Nystart för Energiskogsodling

Increased willow production through cooperation from producer to user

Agricultural land not suitable/needed for growing food or fodder can be used for energy production, e.g. energy forest, but agriculture’s interest in this has decreased in the last 20 years. Recently the situation has turned to a fuel shortage. An organized cooperation between the actors is required. In a perfect market the balance between supply and demand resolves itself but the energy forestry industry has largely disappeared with a few local exceptions. The project will establish this collaboration in one or a few places and spread information to the actors about the possibilities. 

The aim is also to involve agriculture in waste management using technology for irrigating energy forests with wastewater. Through the project we hope to establish an interest in this with one or more wastewater producers.

Participants and their contact information are listed above.

The project is partly financed by EU via the Swedish Board of Agriculture and will be carried out during 2024-2026.